Who among you has never been found on a lawn to enjoy a candy or licorice root?
I find a great spice, the flavor is full bodied and mouth all over me, my taste buds to ecstasy.
Here is some information on licorice:
Licorice or licorice, Glycyrrhiza glabra scientific name, belongs to the family of Papilionaceae , is from Southwest Asia and Mediterranean regions. It 's a perennial plant, with root stolonifera, woolly stems, erect, cylindrical and furrowed. The leaves are made from leaves that may be sticky. The flowers are light blue, violet. The fruit is a legume oblong, about 3 cm long.
During the Renaissance and until the beginning of the twentieth century was first chewed licorice root to end fraying and make them look like a modern toothbrush was then rubbed on the teeth to whiten and freshen the breath.
using licorice root and stolons of at least three years of age cleared of bark and dried.
We use the decoction and infusion of licorice for coughs, bronchitis, fluid retention, digestive disorders. The juice is excellent in the case of gastric ulcers. The water of the decoction is used in cases of conjunctivitis and gargle for inflammation of the oral tract.
licorice herbal tea for digestion:
1 teaspoon Malva
1 tsp Licorice
teaspoon anise
1 teaspoon fennel
all of these plants, facilitates digestion, elimination of mucus. Useful in colitis, nausea, in the intestinal fermentation in the stomach, such as anti inflammatory, but is contraindicated for those suffering from hypertension and pregnant women for the presence of licorice.
licorice liqueur:
200 g of licorice into small pieces (as pure as possible)
1200 mL of mineral water
1200 g of sugar
1 L of 90 ° alcohol
1200 mL of mineral water
1200 g of sugar
1 L of 90 ° alcohol
Melt in a water bath licorice in 600 mL of water by putting it in an airtight container to shake from time to time to obtain complete solution. Once the liquorice has melted completely cool. Dissolve the sugar in the remaining 600 mL of water at low heat and once that sugar is dissolved let it cool. When is the mixture of liquorice to sugar are completely cooled mix them in one bowl and add the alcohol at 90 °, close and let stand in refrigerator for several days before eating.