A elemental is a legendary creature. The word is a adjective born in theosophical 1, indicating the peculiar feature of the creature to be constituted by only one of four elements: water air land and fire. By extension, elemental increased from adjective to noun, so as to directly indicate the type of creature, and not just his nature.
Let's see, specifically, what are the elemental spirits:

salamanders, the elemental spirits of fire, are the strongest and most powerful of all the elemental beings. They are beautiful, agile and streamlined and there are those who described them as tongues of fire or bright balls. They live near active volcanoes or in desert areas. If you call them infuse courage into action, even if they rarely show human beings. To evoke the best time is noon and it is preferable to bear the holy water.
ELEMENT elemental spirits

Spirits of air, fleeting creature, the Sylphs live in the wind and traveling by air currents. They can live for one thousand years while maintaining a youthful look. Help people to develop their creativity but are often misleading. E 'therefore preferable to bring along a rock big enough when you want to evoke the early morning and facing east, going to places known as the windy plains or mountains. Le Villi
instead are spirits of the night wandering around cemeteries or crossroads. The villas are of the long white dresses and big hair and crazy people who find their way to condemning him to dance until my heart burst.

They live in rivers, lakes, springs, ponds and the waterfalls. They can take on the appearance of the foam that rides the waves or to bright lights in shades of blue or green. Sometimes they also take on human form and are depicted as creatures half woman and half fish like the mythical sirens. They are young girls
diaphanous, with flowers and garlands in their hair. They love to dance, sing, swim, spin and weave ever closer to their element natural. These creatures are often dangerous because no man can resist their singing and their mysterious beauty. Once caught the victim near the sea, these creatures to attract him if drowning. The best time to see them are those of dawn and dusk and to protect against them is enough to carry a sprig of willow.
The power of the elemental spirits of the water element is twofold: it can be both good and bad, everything is in what they want to ask.

These small creatures, gnomes, have different characteristics to those of the Elves. While the latter have the sleek, although the minimum size, gnomes are much smaller and stocky. They are connoisseurs of divination, minerals, and the underground kingdom of the virtues of herbs. They live in forests and caves, and can, if they want to help people to find hidden treasures to discover the mines of precious stones, to cultivate the garden with love and success. If we relied on help turn vision into reality.
The Dryads are maidens of great beauty. They wear green clothes or brown very similar to that of the leaves or the trunk of the tree branches, usually walnut or oak, on which to spend their retired life. The life of these creatures is connected with the tree of which they are custodians and if the tree dies or is cut, also follow its fate. They have the power to mirages.
Often the power of the elemental spirits of the land is considered to be negative and therefore it is better not to evoke them, or at least do it very carefully and when you reach the necessary experience .
NB Please also enter this part of the movie Hellboy II - The Golden Army (2008) (suggeritami from my boyfriend), although this scene has nothing mystical or sacred, because it is made very well the of life arise spontaneously from every drop of the sap of this creature as a result of his killing.
1. ( religion) Any doctrine that supports the ability to attain knowledge of God and the essence of nature through a survey that combines mysticism and science.
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