Thursday, January 13, 2011

Yellow Dempsey Cichlid

where Italians do not want to be entrepreneurs and workers in which Brad Pitt

about the last days in office does not have much to say. I understand some things, though:
  1. although VAT, are regarded as an employee
  2. although regarded as an employee, I have the same days off for employees
  3. while having fewer days of leave an employee , I do not get paid more than one employee
  4. while doing a job underpaid, I consider myself lucky for the opportunity that the company decided to give me
  5. despite this great opportunity for growth, I do other 2/3/4 work to maintain my independence
  6. 2/3/4 while doing other work I have the enthusiasm to stay in office longer than is necessary for collective brainstorming sessions
  7. even with all the group sessions of brainstorming world, our work culture seems to me the victim of a one-way process that leads to dry up even more.
we were screwed. We have sold working conditions similar to those of our grandparents in a shiny package, which has attracted with the promise of prestigious works, and traps us in a daily routine work in the factory of the twenty first century.
but we're good because we are not workers twenty-first century, we are entrepreneurs ourselves, we have sold - and bought in bulk - even that illusion.


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