Monday, January 17, 2011

Breakthrough Polycystic Kidney Di

where I have a hole in the heart

in my head, that head that lately has become a very solitary and private, you come back forever. I come back and say, Holy Mother, but as I do without you all these months? but as a huge mistake I made by cutting them out of my life? as I have thought for even a second that you were not important to me?

one of the things I learned, the first time I was heartbroken, is that there are fundamental for anyone. We are replaceable, human, fallible and mortal.

not call me in my head, but you show up in my house (although I have changed address and do not understand how you can know where I live now: but you'd know anyway).

said, introduce yourself to my house in one of those rare days when turning the key in the lock of the gate, I hope to see you right there on the ramp or stairs, squatting on the last step. in one of those days when I think of you, you find yourself in front of me and I would be so happy to see that we will extend the shopping bag and I'd say come inside and eat something and not where you were finished christ bastard of a best friend fuck that you are nothing.

and the saliremmo scales together chatting like chatting with anxiety and excitement after every fight, after each long silence, as naturally our conversation that he had every day since we met last days in the hospital, before you went away I am telling you to find when you come home and then not you are no longer came to see me.

pain in my head took the form of a nail blunt, rusty and vaguely annoying. a bit 'as the L1 vertebra hours hopelessly splintered that I carry around forever, I can walk, I swim, I can bend over and I can go back even a few months to run. apparently with a chipped vertebra can do many things, even diving to bomb, including some time.

guess it's the same with a hole in your heart at some point you miss it more, your body learns to live with it, and the day will come when I will have changed so many apartments that will be impossible to hope to find you at the gate waiting for me. I put the time - because the miles, let me tell you, do not work - between us and the time will blunt the water as the tip of the nail.

but for now living with the hole that the nail did. a hole that is felt especially when the weather changes. inside and out.


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