Monday, January 31, 2011

Kingvale Snow And Tubing

ergo sum

Saturday I had to set foot in a big shopping center because I was looking for two of the 2032 Energizer batteries banal , sold out everywhere (if you find them, buy them and speditemele). The mall was full of people who tragically were not there just to buy, but mainly to kill time.

how do I know? the manner in which dragged his feet: shaun of the dead docet.

I stood for the right note with great regret and a bit of surprise that the mall (such as Leroy Merlin, Castorama and Darty) had run out of 2032: the world is running out and there is a space ship that will save us all that goes to battery 2032. and nobody told me anything?

but the 2032 is something neither the mall are the point of this rambling post written in 15 minutes, before going to work seriously. the point is halfway between the batteries 2032 and the mall, or when I realized - as the windows shouting balances - I did not need to buy anything.

except the damned 2032, of course.

do not know as I do not know why (given that I work for a fashion magazine) and I do not know when my body was removed from his basic instincts to buy wild, and when I find myself in a mall in a downtown street in Milan in a shop, it's almost uncomfortable, annoyed by the idea of \u200b\u200bthings to test, compare prices, cosmetic results to be evaluated.

so I bet with myself that tomorrow for a month and I'll try not to buy anything. excluding food, fucking batteries 2032 - if I find them, subscription media and non-material goods (see under cinema tickets where no, not buy popcorn or M & Ms).

reflection, to be honest, not born Saturday at the mall. but when I started, with the start of the new year, a book in the library books and DVDs as if there was no tomorrow (as if the world ended tomorrow, in fact, and the only way to escape was to read books without spending a penny and no stealing).

now, it is true, in Milan we Sormani, but the library of my country is far more modest than that. has around a dozen books and shelves are in disarray and, frankly, the catalog is very bad and not updated. but my library, as I bet most of those Italian, has some valuable strengths that might be worth remembering, in case you're convinced that you can only buy the books:

  1. Italian libraries are free: free registration, free loan of books, free consultation of books that you can take home, many now also possible to rent DVDs and CDs (from There we all heimat for example.avi yes, maura, this interlude was for you);
  2. Italian libraries are consortium members, which means that many are grouped under one 'roof' that allows them, among other things , to share their catalogs. ours is available online here and virtually multiplied exponentially in the choice of titles that had departed from my meager library of the country;
  3. libraries have old books. la Feltrinelli not. nor Mondadori. and even the fnac.
  4. is true, the FNAC has verdena and all the latest in the west wing at your credit card, but libraries are so naive as to allow its users to require the purchase of a product that is not in catalog. and if my library has in catalog 100 brush strokes melissa p do not see why it should not even buy Encounters at the End of the World by Werner Herzog. or The West Wing. verdena suspend the proceedings, are not impartial when it comes to Italian music.
libraries are one of the most valuable assets and most ignored of Italy (many of you attend them and those who spend over € to € feltrinelli?). Why? because the Italian people is becoming more consumerist and individualistic than Americans. while there, led by Obama and poverty rampant, rediscover sharing ( cohousing, to make a name at random) we want to have: people, objects, spaces, laws, entire governments. feelings.

want the world to be our property. exclusive.

economic environment is very clear on this point: in a system (the earth) with finite resources and space is not possible to increase the production of smartphones until we come out of your ears, because our ears are the only places left where to put the damned smartphone. economic environment, libraries and even those poor communists have understood for some time. the problem is that no one studies the economics of the environment, no longer believes in communism and, above all, no longer uses the libraries.

all at the mall instead.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Thick Gel Like Cervical Mucus

Days of Merla

And here we are in so-called Days of Merla ..
Different legends are on these days, which vary from region to region but also from province to province, but all agree that the three coldest days of the year ..

days of the blackbird But why?
All legends tell of a Merla that repairs to protect from the cold to warm fireplace, that's why they call me .. placed Milan will now version of the story, my favorite:

" The last three days of January, 29, 30 and 31, she came to Milan a very winter disk. The snow had laid a white carpet on all the streets and rooftops. The protagonists of this story is a blackbird, a blackbird and their three sons .....
They had come to town on end of summer and had set up their shelter on a tree in the courtyard of a building located in Porta Nuova. Then, for the winter, they found a house under the eaves to protect from snow that year was particularly cold abbondante.Il commissions made it difficult to feed themselves, the blackbird flew from morning till night in search of bird seed for his family and searched in vain all the gardens, courtyards and balconies of the apartment. The snow covered every crumb. One day he decided to fly the Blackbird on the edge of the snow, to find a warmer shelter for his family. He continued to snow. The blackbird, to protect merlottini numbed by the cold, moved the nest on a nearby roof, where she came from a chimney was smoking a little 'hard day of tepore.Tre cold. And the blackbird was gone three days. When came back, almost did not recognize his wife and sons were now all blacks for the smoke chimney. In the first day of February, a pale sun finally appeared and left the nest all winter, even the householder had darkened in contact with fuliggine.Da then the blackbirds were all born blacks, whites became the battlements exception of fable. "

This version is the" more gentle and romantic, at least in my opinion.
There also shows for completeness the other versions:

Second version:

Three Days of the blackbird is a tradition that comes from afar and wants to be the three coldest days of winter.
so cold that a blackbird, who was white feathers, shivering, but at the same time worried about his sons, finds nothing better than going to rest on a fireplace. We stayed three days, because the cold prevented even fly. Then came fortunately February. Pale as long as you want but the sun was able to restore life and hope. Merla and sons were able to stretch, re-open wings and fly. The three days on the chimney, however, had produced a profound change in plumage, now black with soot, black without remedy.
Since then, the blackbirds were all born blacks.

Third version:

Once the blackbirds were white.
One day too cold for one went into a fireplace to warm up after three days and came out all black with soot. Two blackbirds white feathers, male and female, took shelter from the cold in a chimney. Not having anything to eat the male decided to go out to try something. After three days he returned and found a coal-black bird, blackbird did not recognize her and turned back to look for it. The blackbird, blackened with soot, in the meantime died of hunger.

Fourth Version:

The blackbird and the blackbird are married at the end of January, the village of the bride, should cross it over the Po River to return to their home but it's late and stop for two days with relatives. The temperature drops a lot. Merlo is forced to cross the Po ice, but he died. Merla her moan and cry can still be heard along the Po, the nights in late January.

Fifth version:

According to popular tradition the last three days in January to coincide with the three coldest days of winter. So much so that even
Merla, who once had a white plumage, he went to warm to shelter in a fireplace.
His coat turned gray with soot and has since remained in that color.

Happy and cold days of the blackbird at all!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fantasy Wife Topless Beach

in which those who praise s'imbroda


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Premium Bonds Have Iwon

where the swimming pool has its own rules

There you go with your costume, your slip, your Bermuda shorts, goggles and headphones, cold / shower due to prior emergency / y jump in the tub.
and ruin my swim.
to avoid anything and, therefore, prevent me - in a day of humor in his shoes like this: 1. you pull your feet "by mistake", 2. will exceed many times, producing waves of water that will make you swallow gallons of chlorine, 3. I swear after listing all the saints in paradise, there are rules you can follow, and we guarantee you will swim a relaxing, enjoyable and fun.
today I feel so good that you briefly explain the:
  1. usually in pools as it must, during the hours of free swimming lanes are divided by speed (slow swimming and / or tablet, regular swimming, fast swimming) : Be honest with yourself. if you can not take a bath with 10-12 strokes of style, The fast lane is not for you;
  2. please, please, please, I speak to you from male white briefs and yellow cap, I know that you have to prove to all the women in the pool but do not dip your manhood by board tank landing with an (almost certain) belly flop and risking to crash on the idiot who had not noticed to be in tub with the world champion of acrobatic dives;
  3. costumes: white ones are transparent. you can see your ass, men, and breasts, women. use them with knowledge of the facts;
  4. water too - oddly enough - is transparent. what you do, touch, move in water is seen
  5. there is a beautiful phrase that Ossie Davis ruling in get on the bus and says more or less than when you play an instrument you have to do it as if we love doing. also applies to the pool water: no slapping, no lifting of hectoliters of water. kindness, by the pool, it is essential;
  6. women, I tell you, I know you love chatting with friends as they go, but there is a pool of children, just for you: more empty, more comfortable, with water more hot. for everything else there is a sofa in your home;
  7. women, I always say to you: swimming involves being in a horizontal position. The style dog does not count, once exceeded 5 years, and has not even the style walk in the water hoping to get to end tank;
  8. the dolphin is an elegant style. if you really knew. and do it well are few (I do not, for example). then, as in step 1: Be honest with yourself, and unless you really know how to move browning, avoid doing the dolphin and get knackered after half bath filled with handfuls of your classmates;
  9. men, I understand that you have prove that you are the capibranco: resign but, if a woman goes faster than you do not become attached to their feet to show that you know keep up;
  10. as the distances to be kept, how it works in the car: I assume that if you go to 5cm I do this by car? , but if not then you incazzatevi get a foot in the face. in this use common sense: lots and then wait for 5 strokes, too.
contrary to what you might think after reading this handbook, are not an intolerant person.
use the fast lane when I'm in shape, those on the boards when I use the tablets and if I wake up with your ass in the pool do not go heavy.
become intolerant when, as today, an Adonis with mp3 player and headphones glued to the goggle ultraprofessionali touches a hair on my spine in a turn to show off the tank bottom.
in swimming, as in life, it requires delicacy, along with the awareness that we are not at the center of the world to anyone else. if not yours.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pinewood Car Template

in which I published (not) hidden

it went like this: Last December I was looking for a special gift for my friend i. and ended up in the etsy shop Colette , California artist who, incidentally, was just a bright red print with quotation from Where the Wild Things Are: let the wild rumpus start .
I bought it, came, I enveloped, I donated. liked it.
together with the print-gift, colette also sent me this press , who now makes a fine show of himself on one of the walls of my living room. we exchanged a few chatting via Etsy, I forwarded my favorite quotes and she, in return, he sent two prints, one of Eddie Izzard (Cake or Death, which ends in the kitchen) and one of Thoreau - all good things are wild and free .
and short, colette does his job with enthusiasm and passion, so I shamelessly invite you to visit his etsy shop and buy some print (it also makes to order with custom quotes). will not regret it, I promise.

Friday, January 21, 2011

A Lot Of Burping With Current Stomach Flu

The luminous body and some considerations on the death

According to all religions the physical body lives with spiritual energy, in pagan religion this is called the luminous body. The existence of this body comes from the theologies of the major religions such as the Egyptian, the Assyrian-Babylonian, the Hinduism, Jainism and the great shamanic foundation of religious knowledge from the beginnings till today.
Hindus as long as 5000 years ago they called Body-Diamond Thunderbolt while the alchemists call the Body of Glory, is also called the Aura in Eastern philosophy and Christianity, it is easy to see an aura around the painted angels, Christ and the Holy Family . It 's associated to the concept of the soul, of course no reference to sin, but understood as a divine energy that allows the individual's life.
The ancient wisdom revealed that the body exudes energy and that a person or a being after his death leaves an indelible imprint of this.
Because of a recent bereavement I made some reflections on the energies that govern life and its end and I came to the conclusion that I would like to share with you:
Death is not frightening because it is our sister, she is born and grows ceases to be with us, is the sister and companion of life. It is an essential part of life, since there would be no life without death.
For the thought of What comes after , energies, and which may not allow us to live lost in the void, disappearing forever, it also states the first law of thermodynamics, energy is neither created nor destroyed, transformed, and this is what I think to do, is being reorganized in other forms to give life to new living or feeding in part already in life.
This could explain how the so-called poltergeist phenomena, the phenomenon of reincarnation, the perceptions of ghosts and phantoms and other similar phenomena, but I will not dwell on this topic.
I have always considered the animals a lot more people's spiritual and I am convinced that they have this concept perfectly clear.
When an animal is near death and not realize it, does not fight for an empty physical shell that no longer represents him and he does not want more, you put aside and wait for the its vital energies to flow out and focus elsewhere.
The majority of men (mostly faithful to the great monotheistic religions) it fails to deal with it calmly this state of transition and mutation, is pervaded by fear, by the questions because these religions project life into the unknown of death from birth. In these religions live to die, not live to live. Death is viewed with fear because God is gracious and merciful, but not angry and Judge who punishes the wicked and reward the good and humble.
I do not share this vision, I see no possible stagnation for the eternity of millions of souls in a space-time indefinite, so there would be only dissipation of these energies and conservation.

also add this song, very underrated he calls his sister's death:

These are my thoughts and my thoughts about death, good reading.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Inkjet Printer Graphic Designer 2010

where I saw the Coward Robert Ford killed Jesse James

Monday, January 17, 2011

Breakthrough Polycystic Kidney Di

where I have a hole in the heart

in my head, that head that lately has become a very solitary and private, you come back forever. I come back and say, Holy Mother, but as I do without you all these months? but as a huge mistake I made by cutting them out of my life? as I have thought for even a second that you were not important to me?

one of the things I learned, the first time I was heartbroken, is that there are fundamental for anyone. We are replaceable, human, fallible and mortal.

not call me in my head, but you show up in my house (although I have changed address and do not understand how you can know where I live now: but you'd know anyway).

said, introduce yourself to my house in one of those rare days when turning the key in the lock of the gate, I hope to see you right there on the ramp or stairs, squatting on the last step. in one of those days when I think of you, you find yourself in front of me and I would be so happy to see that we will extend the shopping bag and I'd say come inside and eat something and not where you were finished christ bastard of a best friend fuck that you are nothing.

and the saliremmo scales together chatting like chatting with anxiety and excitement after every fight, after each long silence, as naturally our conversation that he had every day since we met last days in the hospital, before you went away I am telling you to find when you come home and then not you are no longer came to see me.

pain in my head took the form of a nail blunt, rusty and vaguely annoying. a bit 'as the L1 vertebra hours hopelessly splintered that I carry around forever, I can walk, I swim, I can bend over and I can go back even a few months to run. apparently with a chipped vertebra can do many things, even diving to bomb, including some time.

guess it's the same with a hole in your heart at some point you miss it more, your body learns to live with it, and the day will come when I will have changed so many apartments that will be impossible to hope to find you at the gate waiting for me. I put the time - because the miles, let me tell you, do not work - between us and the time will blunt the water as the tip of the nail.

but for now living with the hole that the nail did. a hole that is felt especially when the weather changes. inside and out.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

How Long Plan B Stays In Your System

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Yellow Dempsey Cichlid

where Italians do not want to be entrepreneurs and workers in which Brad Pitt

about the last days in office does not have much to say. I understand some things, though:
  1. although VAT, are regarded as an employee
  2. although regarded as an employee, I have the same days off for employees
  3. while having fewer days of leave an employee , I do not get paid more than one employee
  4. while doing a job underpaid, I consider myself lucky for the opportunity that the company decided to give me
  5. despite this great opportunity for growth, I do other 2/3/4 work to maintain my independence
  6. 2/3/4 while doing other work I have the enthusiasm to stay in office longer than is necessary for collective brainstorming sessions
  7. even with all the group sessions of brainstorming world, our work culture seems to me the victim of a one-way process that leads to dry up even more.
we were screwed. We have sold working conditions similar to those of our grandparents in a shiny package, which has attracted with the promise of prestigious works, and traps us in a daily routine work in the factory of the twenty first century.
but we're good because we are not workers twenty-first century, we are entrepreneurs ourselves, we have sold - and bought in bulk - even that illusion.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How To Make Sugar Donuts Using Pancake Mix?

evokes important reflections on the pearl jam , friendship and all As

as did water from all sides, we must admit that Meet Joe Black made it memorable to the general public not only for sudden death (and gorgeous) Brad Pitt's early films, but also for the memorable words spoken by Anthony Hopkins initially and then repeated the same brad in the shoes of the late Joe Black. The sentence read:
We all know this deal is as Certain as Death and Taxes.
given that the above phrase loses accuracy when applied to the current Italian tax situation, may buy back value (and dignity) if a "tax" substitute "pearl jam".
this profound reflection comes not by chance that a leak from 3 days to live on ten legs. yet another live Pearl Jam, santiddio, you think.
not really.
live on ten legs is, yes, yet another live Pearl Jam. but also - along with all the other live - a CD that fully respects the first theorem of Pearl Jam, namely:
1. you can fully appreciate just listening to pearl jam live
understand the utility of having so many live CD, the perfect substitutes for all the concerts of Pearl Jam that you're not going to see. (Wrongly, if you ask my opinion).
but proceed. I also
, by Pearl Jam fans weakened by a momentary dip in the cult of Bruce, I thought injurious (uh, adverb that long!) that live on ten legs would have been yet another live.
until I got to:
  1. version hiding in the most beautiful I have ever heard a live version of
  2. got some that made me appreciate a song immediately branded as 'horror'
  3. a just breathe thrown out by eddie with a nonchalance as annoying as it is impressive
repeated listening live on ten legs in the last three days, combined with problems of distance relationships with my best friend (a constant presence in my life from an early age 16 years), I did reach the following conclusion:
In life nothing is certain, except death. and Pearl Jam.
now, if you asked me to explain it, I'll explain with a single word: solid.
'solid' is the music of Pearl Jam to my ears. 'Solid' are their songs even if you listen to a disproportionate number of times an equally disproportionate number of versions. 'Solid' is the support they give me for ten years now, that is the night when I know someone began to sing loudly in his daughter panda patched with brown tape. I know Pearl Jam
less time for my best friend, and I note with regret that my relationship with them is more solid friendship that is inevitably frayed.
I wanted it to be so different? Of course you do, what questions.
not wish anyone to see your or your best friend move away one step at a time.
but as she walks away and still be a ridiculous distance from my house, other bonds strengthen and ensure stability.
such as the one I have Pearl Jam for 10 years now? some do. for others, so again in ten years, live on the publication of twenty legs.
as always, though, are optimistic.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Large Crate Is Placed On The Bed Of A Truck

in which I have no clear idea where I lost

or rather the I have, but only sporadically and for brief moments that never last more than a few hours.
this, some say, is what makes me special.
this, I think, is what makes me inconclusive.
and now
a picture of a face that haunts me for a week now:

face in question was that of Tim (Taylor Kitsch, a name because a) of friday night lights. Now, besides being a handsome guy (wikipedia says it has done a testimonial for Abercrombie & Fitch, yes, those boys inexplicably shirtless in any weather), TIM this ability (or inability) to take one of the most poignant expressions of the history of television. I'm not kidding. there is no irony.
I started watching Friday Night Lights one (two?) Weeks ago and I developed the attraction to him has nothing to do with its beauty. but with that perpetually against (constipated?) that manages to have every damn shot.
while the camera takes tim is in a corner of the festival and you would be at that party and ask what is wrong, to declare your unconditional love and rip that smile that - instead - is once every 5 episodes. 5 episodes are so many.
a bit 'as is Sam Rockwell, Tim (picture from conviction, thanks) that, when it plays Zaphod Beeblebrox, has the innate ability to pull off an expression that does upset your guts twist. and this without even recite a line of script.

here, this innate ability to tell the world that the world itself makes you sick, struggling to make ends meet day and you have seen better days, I appreciate it. venerate it, almost. My mother always said that I have an expression of who takes to slap anyone, although I'm thinking about world peace, or taylor kitsch. maybe I should have to be an actress, grew up. I never reached the levels of sam rockwell? my proverbial inconclusiveness will leave us forever unanswered.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Custom My Own Football Visors

the fleeting moment in which

is not yet midnight when we get down the river that divides the city into two parts, my cell phone signal and we rely on the 23:51 hour for the time to ground the empty wine bottle from which we will start our fireworks.
insignificant bottle of wine that becomes the focus of an artificial fire-button activity: all use it, all they want. we, on our part, we want only the bright stars in place of fireworks that are just bang and fear and were unfortunately included in the package bought at the last minute.
most of the people crowded on the bridge (walking?), The rest is scattered along the banks. what a strange way to celebrate New Year without a square without a clock and bright lights, without a count-down bigger than us. only the people who sing, who speaks, who rubs his hands in gloves, which beats the teeth and makes the smoke out of his mouth. my cell phone the 23:54 mark and began to slowly remove the caps of two sparkling wines from their housing. slowly, because we never want a bottle.
opened prematurely,
begin to drink now and then we have another
amateur despite the fireworks, the boat illuminated, the lights behind us and the light of the streetlamps, the longest river in the dark.
or not?
are 23:55?
the 23:58?
maybe we should start the countdown, but you do not understand this language, the language of hundreds of people who talk, laugh, count and sing together.
my phone is on, the clock i. is back and b. is lost behind his fireworks.
a bottle is gone, the next time we open.
but what time?
without the official countdown has marked all of my New Year's there are there, hoping we hope that our zero corresponds than the other and finally decide it's New Year's Eve, the faces of those around us, rising imperceptibly to fireworks in the sky and cries more pronounced.
if we split the second, if our zero coincided with that of this part of the world, we do not know: we drink our white wines and we embrace.
but I like to think that our midnight is not perfectly coincided with that of others, that the precise point - zero - there is slipped between the legs on the sidewalk of ice mixed with snow and has pushed the 2011 into our lives by the back door.
I like to think that this will be different from all other years not just because I'm sure of when it started.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Steinbach Volkskunst Hohenhameln

Feelings Thoughts and images of animals

This post is a collection of three items on the network about the feelings of our four-legged friends and their special abilities, with a few sentences and tip more.
I hope you may be interested:

E 'confirmed the dogs feel the emotions of men

years pass and then the centuries, but the old sayings, the popular wisdom is never wrong, and finally, even in-depth studies to prove it. Always, in fact, it is believed that the dogs are man's best friend, confident that they can quiet understand feelings and emotions and, apparently, now it comes the confidence. The canine species, in fact, would be able to recognize a person from a happy and sad to distinguish from the rice plant, first at a deep level and then also on a visual level. This is confirmed by a team of scientists from New Zealand, which has carried out a search through a fundamental contribution to Otago University lecturer.
The findings, therefore, there would be no doubt that they would be able to understand perhaps better than another human being. The tests were carried out, by listening to the dogs, recorded images of babies who laugh, cry or babble, and verbal instructions by adding the warm expressions or severe, you get a different reaction four-legged friends.
Among other things the cats would be able to understand many feelings and sensations experienced by other living beings, in recent weeks, in fact, other studies have led experts to conclude that they can understand when a person is really bad and about to die, long before doctors and nurses. In this regard, would even be good to take a stance sad but comforting, almost understanding. I recommend the book on this subject " The cast of Oscar. Some cats have extraordinary powers" of Dosa Devid about a cat, just Oscar, who is able to announce the death of patients at the clinic where he lives and comforting the sick and families with their cast, on a true story.
intelligence animal is still therefore too understated and, who knows how long the men who believe themselves superior, but sometimes lack of care and sensitivity, will be discovered on These little friends are always present in their lives. A special report, especially with dogs and cats that are in fact "adopted" by most families and, in many instances, be in all respects an integral part of the group.
Animals feel the emotions of the master

That animals and, above all, pets to be able to have a sensitivity very strong and totally different from that of humans, is now a fact of life for some time. Dogs and cats, always closer to the people and used to live at home, they know immediately if someone is in the family is happy or sad, if have or feel lost and I can empathize completely. He can even move their closeness and affection you can give someone who is not on top of your energies and, for this reason, are really super faithful companions.
Similarly, often reflect the emotional and physical problems the whole family, even acquiring attitudes and habits. Sometimes, in fact, when looking at a pet and carers, one gets the impression that they are similar. Recent American studies have a number of cases brought to the attention of science peculiar as that of a man who suffered knee cartilage problems, and soon after, the disorder has also begun to affect his dog. E 'also happened that, a four-legged animal , despite all the attention and care of the case, there never will recover fully, if not heal the boss, precisely for Because of its great sensitivity to the feelings of those who care and pampering. Men are not so deep, they can be sad in a corner if your dog is bad, but not assimilate the feelings of the pet to experience the same symptoms.
There were even times when a veterinarian noticed that an animal had a problem and, by chance, then, for a normal check-up, even the master had the same discomfort . For this reason it is a growing possibility that, when you are not faced with problems of some significance, can be treated together with natural remedies non-invasive, but capable of restoring plan Plan your situation.

But dogs laugh?

All dogs laugh,
ie their face takes on a serene and relaxed,
with the ears down, eyes narrowed,
soft lips parted and chin up.
This is the smile of a dog.
Elizabeth Marshall Thomas

We know with certainty and we are able to recognize when our dogs are happy, sad or scared. Regarding the laugh, however, the topic is still somewhat debated. It has been for many years now. Charles Darwin, father of the theory of evolution, raised the question in his book " The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals" , published in 1872.
Darwinian In the text it is noted that the upper lip during the act of smiling portrait appears in the dog as if he were growling, so that the canines are exposed, although the general appearance of the animal clearly shows that at that moment is not at all angry.
Many relate this to a peaceful sort of growl smile, but Darwin himself stated that there was no security in this regard that we can say that, even dogs, like us, laugh.
There is always the risk of anthropomorphizing the emotions animal , buckling our " four-legged" human characteristics. For example, and for that we have already spoken, is a mistake to assume that the guilty look of our dog is due to some mischief, as he toppled and broke a vase or had some other disaster. When you look with those big eyes wide and fearful we immediately think that he has made one of his and we're hiding something, forgetting provided that the guilt does not belong to the dog more than loyalty does not belong to man.
In fact, the dog does this when he sees that we are nervous and angry and his reaction is nothing but a furtive escape from our anger, after having received voltage.
Returning to laugh, we leave Darwin for a much more recent study, carried out by a researcher of Nevada, who is convinced that dogs can prove intent in the game in a few laughs way. His findings were presented last summer during a meeting of ' Animal Behavior Society . Patricia Simonet, this is the name of the researcher, together with a team of his colleagues, he recorded the sounds emitted from a sample of dogs while playing in the park, using parabolic microphones to hear even from a distance.
Records of the dog's panting breaths intent to the game were then analyzed and replayed, noting that, when retrieving a ball, for example, and was excited by the game, the wheezing was different from the simple breath drawn and tired. Nuances that, for researchers, may mean that the dog breathing through a smile
different know .

Hot Men Pleasuring Themselves

Happy New Year to all!

I wish you a happy 2011 to all my readers!
May the new year bring much satisfaction
and the realization of their goals and dreams!

With affection,
Crystal Lily