Monday, December 13, 2010

How To Dissolve Mucus

S. Lucia and the Eleusinian rites

Few people know that the feast of St. Lucia has nothing to do with Christianity.
Lucia is nothing more than Christianized the representation of the Greek goddess Demeter (Or xi Roman Ceres).
The wheat ears, eyes and the light are represented by the symbols of pagan rituals held in the Greek city of Eleusis 1. Until the reform of the calendar, which took place in 1582, because the winter solstice fell on December 13, from which the famous proverb: "St. Lucia, the longest night there is."
addition, the origin of the name Lucia is Latin, from
Lux Lucis - Light, Bright or according to other versions born at dawn.
Here you connect the ancient prayer to Demeter, goddess of light, to bring light and abundance of the harvest.
Lucia original iconography as the bearer of light, identical to Demeter, was represented with the ears of corn in his hand, but most modern representations have replaced the ears with the palms, more precisely, the palm of martyrdom, considered more appropriate to a saint.

According to the greek myth Demeter had won the first spike to the young son of the king of Eleusis, Triptolemus, and taught him the art of agriculture. He had done so then get on his wagon with the task to teach and spread to all men the art of sowing and harvesting so that they develop a higher civilization.
Everything proceeded for the better and in abundance until Persephone, daughter of Demeter, was abducted by Hades, the god of the underworld, and without his wife. The mother, in despair, left the Hall in search of her daughter and the earth came a terrible famine due to the absence of the goddess, the bringer of light that would guarantee the death by starvation of all mankind.
Zeus moved to pity by the demands of humans, so he sent Hermes to Hades to force him to restore Persephone to her mother, Hades agreed only to a surprisingly simple condition for six months he spent time with his mother and for the remaining six months would stay with her husband.
Persephone's return to earth marks the end of the famine and the return of light, just think, 'just as S. Lucia.


1.I Eleusinian mysteries rites were Religious mystery that were celebrated in the sanctuary of Demeter ancient Greek city of Eleusis.


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