For those who want to heat the house and 'one of the best ways to take advantage of all the heat generated in the firebox in cast iron to warm up in comfort' around the house. The simple but clever system that makes operating the fire heats the air, the air pump that draws heat and ventilation throughout the house, and then the by-pass that sucks the air in the room and heats it again and then again in the rooms.
With a load of wood you can 'get to warm the house for a total of 10 hours, with a large economic savings, and in total security and tranquility'.
Below the diagram of how the more 'common stoves air work:
Air Pump Motor
1 2 3
Drain leaking hot air through air vents
4 bypass tube and heat pipe air phono isolated
Hot air from the fire
5 6 7 splitter
Second only hot air escaping from the fire
8 Drain air from revenue

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