E 'better Water or Air?

The fireplaces are not air acts to heat the whole apartment and do not heat water for sanitation. They are used in place of the traditional fireplace, stoves, and others to heat the rooms during the downtime of the central heating. An 'other difference is the' high consumption. Even if you only heat the room where they are, consume a lot of wood. The stoves have the same water consumption, heat and provide hot water throughout the house, so 'as to eliminate even the need' to turn on the gas boiler.
The fireplace with the door closed to clean glass is usually made of refractory bricks. The wood can be added as desired, and generally the fireplaces can be covered with water as you want and installed in any room or coupling it with an existing heating system professional. So 'we will have' a fireplace and a fireplace water classic.
In comparison, the fireplace has air inside many mechanisms that restrict entry and projections of wood and can not cook. In addition, not 'customizable, so the appearance will suffer' forever.
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