Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dennis Milanis Topples

I'll give you do not know how sgom

workshops such as this reduced by 50% the esteem I have for mankind.
the truth is that I do not know elbowing, I do not know me and ignore the practice of climbing space.
social and otherwise.
naive as me, my parents taught me that the important thing is to dominate others, take place with the nails (painted with enamel strictly hip) and deal low blows when our party is distracted.

complaints aside (the temptation to fall into the victim is held at a safe distance with a glass 1 / 2 white wine 1 / 2 orange juice),
complaints aside, I said, I will remember this day just passed this maxim:

you do to others what you want to do

but as it was not do to others what you do not want done to yourself?
I realized that in 99% of our limited brain reads the world without bothering to give us out of their lenses supplied by mother nature: every action of others is interpreted according to our thought patterns. from here: misunderstanding, quarrels, war, death, devastation.
ignoring the sarcasm I discovered a few years of delay and the usual daily dose of bitterness that my glasses to read the world are different from those of all others. and for 'all other' I mean: my colleagues.
so while my goal is to bring home the day their home is to bring visibility, gain a few inches of living space in the office and make his way.
to expense of others.
the expense of this thing I never understood. I always watched with curiosity and envy those who had, in life, a clear goal and a dream to pursue strong (the clarity I have never been given of it), but while estimating the determination of who is submit a waiver just to see his dream take shape, that expense can not understand. and do not share.
the first of my ten commandments about kindness.
a kindness that is not open the car door for your sweetheart or make room on the bus to an elderly lady.
kindness is to remove the 'at the expense of others' from our lives.

but today I realized that the expense-to-the-other is a requirement to survive in the world of work.
another point in favor of Others, that these things had made long before me. awareness, today, that makes me much easier take off my glasses and see that his eyes had resigned and disillusioned that struck me when we had known.


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