Reincarnation and Karma
In the latter period has often spoken of reincarnation. In many Eastern religions such as Buddhism, has even the very essence of religion.
What exactly?
Many religions believe in reincarnation or transmigration of the soul from one body to another in a time following the death of the 'physical body. " A man may be reincarnated in another man, a woman, but also in a few animals, the so-called metempsychosis ( from ancient greek μετεμψύχωσις , metempsicosis , passage of souls) platonic.
A question that arises then spontaneous:
But Why?
An answer to all this can come from so-called Karma (or karma), which in Sanskrit stands for action, but simply in a broader sense the fate that each of us is built according to the deeds, thoughts and experiences that have been made in the past.
In practice, the actual existence of an individual, may have been caused by all that is positive or negative made in its previous incarnations. And as this becomes the product of what has been, the future will become the result of past and present. Karma, then, we could call it a law of cause and effect. Every action has a reaction. But karma is not intended as punishment or reward. Karma becomes a choice and at the same time an inner journey of experiences that necessarily must take to acquire knowledge and through this to understand and accept the full range of human situations. Only when it will be understood that the soul, or individual consciousness, whatever you want, has no gender, no race, no creed and no time then you will come to enlightenment and karma will have no raison d ' be, then you will reach Nirvana, the highest stage of enlightenment. At that point you can also break the cycle of rebirth, or to decide freely whether to incarnate again to act as a guide to other souls are still far from the awareness of one's being.
Therefore, the ultimate purpose of reincarnation is our spiritual evolution through the earthly experience, until they reach perfection. In this long course of learning and improving, the karma with its laws play a crucial role.
But we see with practical examples how to realize the karma in our lives everyday.
If, for example, a person in his past life has nourished a strong prejudice, against a race or group of persons belonging to a certain social status or religious belief, it is very probable that in his present life he is born as a member of that race or that group to understand the full meaning of tolerance and replace quell'appartenenza his preconceptions.
Of course, it is very likely that this same individual, conserving on an unconscious level, the memory of revulsion felt in a previous incarnation to the kind of grouping, currently living a strong discomfort in his current condition, while failing to explain why. On the other hand a person who has suffered past persecution on the part of someone or a group of people hostile to him and tried to turn a strong hatred for them, somewhat exaggerated and irrational can be reborn as belonging to the same group to reduce its beliefs and feelings.
And even in this case, the ill will for the harassment suffered in his later life can last maybe causing it to escape from their condition or antagonize their allies or their relatives. Just a pinch of awareness of the origin of these difficulties and disordered relationships can unlock a situation that could last for many incarnations and still keep a personal and spiritual development. Every problem, discomfort, hostility, hatred or contempt has to be deciphered and disappear from our blood to free us from so-called "karmic debt" that we can be constructed with certain people. Karma, then, also means to dissolve the situations which were created along our lives and carry out a broken link, especially if there was an evil that now goes some way compensated.
A typical case of karmic debt has been seen with Catherine, a patient of Dr. Brian Weiss 1. Catherine in one of his hypnotic regressions in which he relived life spent Stuart, the current boyfriend, with whom, despite their efforts, find themselves living in an unhappy relationship, it was his murderess. Stuart, therefore, in this life, had the task of love who had once killed. And Catherine, was able to understand, through a journey back in time, the origin of its conflictual relationship with her boyfriend at the time. However, not always two sides are ready to overcome past hostilities. A partner at an unconscious level can still keep alive the memory of evil received or the reasons that led him to perform an act insane and still not be able to rebalance the relationship. Many emotional ties and parental harsh can then be derived from un'antecedente rivalry lived in another life and that has not yet been able to solve.
Similarly, There are very strong links that you can not avoid and deep love that can not be and you can not cut because of an inexplicable sense of belonging with the only human rationality and that can have meaning only if we assume another life in which the two parties in question have already lived together. Regressive techniques can help to grasp the meaning of everything that involves an individual in his present life and why it is embodied in his personality today.
Understand, then, the laws of karma includes establishing a process of positive acceptance of any situation, even the most painful, and overcoming of the nodes that block our path to perfection and inner serenity.
could also be that the karmic bonds, life after life, they rarely recur in the same way. The leading roles are often reversed, particularly within the same family group.
As stated by Betty B. Binder:
" members of a family that have karmic ties often reincarnate together, but later in the lives of their roles are reversed compared to those performed in previous ones. For example, a child of today may have been a parent in another life and his father may have been his son. Similarly, today's rivalry may be the manifestation of hostility in the past that have not yet been resolved . 2
Even diseases and impairments may have a sense karmiko. In many of the children studied by psychiatrist Ian Stevenson as unusual stains on the skin and scars on the body could be the manifestation of an injury or had a problem in a previous life. But beyond these cases individuality which carries strong traces of a trauma, there are signs of distress or involved in a given age of the subject. We can think for example to cancer or serious illnesses that occur suddenly and quickly become devastating to the psyche and body.
Anna, for example, a middle-aged woman who had undergone total removal of her right breast during a regression remembered having lived a previous life as a Roman commander. During that existence had externalized violence that went far beyond his duties. He had fought, sieges and mutilated young women having abused them, for the simple pleasure of exercising an excessive power and inflict suffering.
a result of what he saw and lived again, at a session of regressive, Anna could make sense even in its current physical event. Just as he had caused pain and Disabled unjustly so many women today would be to relive herself a disability to understand what this could mean physical and mental state. His harsh and intolerant character which had maintained even after the intervention, as a result of the regression, it suddenly changed. Anna knew that nothing would be worth to continue to resent the whole world and to behave harshly with those who stood by and showed love and dedication, if not to hurt herself, getting further negative karma that would then return in somehow in a later life.
As the psychiatrist Helen Wambach, in her book "Life before life:
" We will be really treated as we treat others, we come back to life to experience being both pole to give than to that of receiving. " 3
Reincarnation, therefore, with its laws of karma, is designed to gradually improve with time and how each of us considers appropriate, but always lead to the final goal which is the fulfillment of our soul and reuniting it with what some call the universal cosmic energy.
1. Brian Weiss - Many Lives Many Masters. And Oscar Mondadori, the series "New Mysteries", Milan, 2001.
2. BETTY B. BINDER - Karma and Reincarnation - Ed Futura Publishing Group, p. 99.
3. HELEN Wambach - Life before life (true stories of trips into the wonderful life before birth) Ed Mediterranee, Roma, 1991.