Given the many visits to the post on operation of stoves to water and air , I think it is appropriate to continue with an article on how to integrate the traditional boiler water with the fireplace that warms the water in health and / or the radiators.
Here I report an explanatory scheme that will help 'to better understand the operation of a combined system and matched to an existing gas boiler.

How ' evident from the above table, hot and cold water pipes that connected the back of a gas boiler with radiators and the health care directly, now completes a more 'long. The fireplace
water and 'added as an element of the ring formed by the central heating boiler and gas heating / sanitation.
The various valves used to adjust the pressure between the two heating elements. In fact, the gas boiler is cut off from the circulation because the hot water will pass 'from his pipe, but will not be ' further heated by the flame generated by the gas, because the thermostat inside the boiler constatera 'that' water and 'already at temperatures hot enough.
The water then will proceed 'from the boiler to the radiators and / or health as it did in the absence of the fireplace.
Another element is the collection tank of cold water entering the system.
This container (suitably equipped with a sensor float and supplied by an independent pump) and 'also connected with the vent tube for the excessively hot water coming from the steel box of the fireplace with water. This factor and 'fundamental as reducing the risks of you and' talked about nel'articolo risks of water fireplaces, efficientizza the accumulated heat.
I hope I have been exhaustive. Let me know with your comments.