Friday, March 18, 2011

Do I Have To Drink All Of The Colyte?

a single photo - no words - that captures a moment of the week.
a simpler time, special, extraordinary.
a moment that I pause, enjoy and remember.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pityriasis Rosea Vs. Ringworm

this moment right now - right now

right now I'm ...
  • waiting for the bread yeast
  • enjoying the marvelous light that comes into my room - although it is a dreary-day, my new sheets and cheerful notebook that I do not have to stay for more forces under the desk
  • reminding myself that I still have to wash the curtains in the garage recovered from my mother and for this same room
  • listening to the rhythmic sound of the washing machine - strange but true - is relaxing and keeps me company
  • looking forward to know when I'm knee surgery
  • the luxury of not vacuuming even if the little man is not there and everything would be easier
  • sipping a cup of tea bought in austria Ayurvedic
  • remembering how much I love this apartment
  • feeling grateful for the day off extras that the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy we have got
  • thinking that tonight I might watch a movie in peace
  • hoping that the land in Japan has ceased to tremble
  • smiling the thought that winter is on its last legs now
right now I'm ...
  • waiting fot the bread to rise
  • enjoying the wonderful light that comes into my bedroom - although it is a dreary-day -, my new sheets and my notebook which allows me not to have to sit at a desk
  • reminding myself that I still have to wash the curtains I recovered from my mother's garage and which are meant for this very room
  • listening to the rhythmic sound of the washing machine which - strange but true - is relaxing and keeps me company
  • looking forward to know when I'll have my knee surgery
  • allowing me the luxury of not vacuuming even if my little boy is not here and everything would be easy
  • sipping a cup of excellent ayurvedic tea I had bought in austria
  • remembering how much I love this apartment
  • feeling grateful for the extra day off the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy have granted us today
  • thinking tonight That I Might watch a movie in total peace
  • Hoping That the earth has stopped shaking in japan
  • smiling at the thought That winter is Almost Over

with soulemama that this post has inspired me and reminds me to live and fully enjoy this

special thanks to soulemama who inspired this post and reminds me to live fully and enjoy the present moment

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gold Coated Desert Eagle Pistol For Sale

maybe - maybe

If I started to fifteen years in a basement to tremble for this entry, maybe there is a reason. and perhaps there is more than one. and perhaps not only for voice trembled. :-P

here, I do tonight I rocked him. live.

If I Began Trembling for this voice in a basement When I was fifteen, maybe there is a reason. and maybe there's More Than Just one. Was not the voice and maybe the only reason Which made me tremble. :-P

and tonight he's gonna rock me. live.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Guys Pulling Down Each Others Pants

tonight - tonight

tonight I need to turn off your thoughts. weigh like dark clouds heavy with rain and that darken the sky when I arrived home this afternoon. japan. nuclear power. radiation. intervention. no extended hours in September. the bank. accounts payable. cough. things to settle in Tuscany.

tonight I turn out the lights and I press the button play the mp3 files taken from this video. I read that the mind does not distinguish between a real and an imagined situation, and makes the same benefits.

tonight I let the waves of the sea Cullin me and pushed me into the arms of Morpheus. or someone else. at least in the dreams.

tonight I need to turn off my thoughts. They weigh like dark clouds heavy with rain and darkened the sky That When I Arrived home this afternoon. japan. nuclear power. radiation. intervention. no extended hours in September. the bank. Bills to be paid. cough. things to be settled in Tuscany.

tonight I'm gonna turn out the lights and pull the play button on the mp3 file taken from this video. I've read that our mind does not distinguish between a real and an imagined situation, and it takes the same benefits from both of them.

tonight I'm gonna let the waves of the sea rock me and push me in Morpheus' arms. or in someone else's arms. at least in my dreams.